Is Time Real?
I often find myself stalked by time....having way more things to do than time to do them in. This is a recurring pattern in my life, and...

What happens when you bring your entire self to the table? When you stop trying to cover up the parts that you believe are undesirable or...

Table for Two
This took a year for me to finish writing. It isn't a striking piece of literature, but it was and is a piece my heart and my soul on the...

Red Goddess Rising
At the crest of daybreak when the burning ball of love filled fire rises up One ready red rose petal feels the heat. That sensation is...
What does Me, too mean to you?
Guest Blogger, Erin Browning, on a topic that is front and center in recent days. #metoo Me, too now takes on a whole new meaning. It...
What Exactly is "Stepping In"
I have often found myself asked to “step in” to something - a feeling, an animal, a gift, an emotional space, etc. - and I know that I...
The Selfie World
I have a Facebook page and a Twitter account and an Instagram account and a LinkedIn account...you get it! I use social media. Almost...
What If?
What if today is all we have? What if tomorrow doesn't inhabit our thoughts? What if we stop lamenting yesterday? What if? So much of...
Lessons from a Three Year Old
I have been an Eric Church fan for many years. For anyone who doesn't know, (not sure how that's possible, but I might be biased) Eric...
Why Mindfully Aware?
Several folks have asked me about the name of my practice - Mindfully Aware. Here's my answer. The term "mindfulness" has become so...